The Gaston Community Foundation welcomes a new agency fund: Promise for Haiti.
The Gaston Community Foundation welcomes a new agency fund: Promise for Haiti. Promise for Haiti is an international nonprofit currently based in Belmont, NC. The organization exists to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by partnering with, and investing in, local Haitian leaders to provide the best healthcare and education in Haiti. "The Board of Promise for Haiti is delighted to partner with the Gaston Community Foundation. We strive to provide stable future income for the Hospital Bienfaisance and mission to serve the poorest in our hemisphere. We are excited to have GCF assisting us with growing an endowment to serve future generations of Haitians and continue the Lord's work in Pignon," stated Dr. Omer Shedd, President, Promise for Haiti.
Agency funds at the Community Foundation allow for nonprofits to grow an endowment to plan for their future. The Foundation has seen a growth in the interest of these funds over the last year during a time of uncertainty for many nonprofits. “When nonprofits are faced with unusual setbacks and challenges, an endowment is their safe place to maintain their mission during a year their fundraising may not be meeting needs,” explained Elizabeth Patton, Donor Development Officer, GCF. Agency endowment funds are permanent funds which are invested in the GCF’s main investment pool and distribute annual earnings back to the organization for its operations or other purposes designated by donors when the fund is established.

Promise for Haiti will now be able to accept many types of gifts, removing complications from their organization and allowing the Community Foundation to take on this burden. Their agency fund, along with all other agency funds at the Foundation may accept contributions of stock, check, credit card, trusts, annuities, real estate, and bequests. Allowing the Foundation to administer these processes, gives Promise for Haiti the time to focus on their mission and purpose.
About Promise for Haiti:
Our Purpose
To serve as a stateside partner of the Comite Bienfaisance de Pignon and other affiliated Haitian leaders to fulfill our mission by performing the following duties:
- Povide financial assistance to fulfill programs
- Recruit and support volunteers
- Provide expertise to establish and maintain self-sustaining operations in Haiti.
The vision has expanded beyond healthcare to the provision of clean water (building and maintaining hundreds of wells), education (building nine primary schools and establishment of a large scholarship program) and programs for agricultural and economic development. The entire region around Pignon has been blessed by the realization of this vision and you can keep the dream alive by supporting Promise for Haiti! Please help a "promise made" continue to be "a promise kept".
More information on Promise for Haiti may be found on their website.
Learn more about Agency Endowment Funds at GCF.