Our Mission
The Community Foundation is the leading steward of philanthropic giving by connecting donors with community needs to enhance the lives of present and future generations.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public charity governed by a dedicated volunteer board of directors, the Community Foundation has been helping donors fulfill their philanthropic dreams since 1978. Individuals, families and organizations establish funds at the Community Foundation to carry out their charitable giving now and in the future.

History of the Legacy
We began operations on May 5, 1978 as The Garrison Community Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity. Initial funding of $726,524 came from remainder assets of the closed Garrison General Hospital. Our 12/31/20 total assets were $102.7 million, with over $15 million of that total in unrestricted community endowments.
In 1987, the name was changed to The Community Foundation of Gaston County, Inc., to better describe its broad community role. The historic name was preserved by simultaneous renaming of the main general fund— now known as the Garrison Fund.

The Future of the Legacy
Now with over 400 funds under the Foundation’s care, the largest single, unrestricted fund is the Allen H. and Anne R. Sims Fund which houses an unrestricted bequest valued at more than $4 million. The Foundation also assists donors in creating a variety of planned giving options for a charitable legacy.
The Foundation also manages many other unrestricted funds, along with those designated for a specific charitable organization and many advised funds where the individual or corporate donor can recommend use of the proceeds for a variety of community causes.
The Foundation's office is located at 250 South New Hope Road, Suite A, in Gastonia. Utilizing a dedicated staff of six to effectively build development efforts, and to efficiently manage administrative needs, the Foundation uses well under 0.84% of assets annually for operating costs.
The Gaston Community Foundation continues to lead the way as Your Foundation, Your Future.