The Community Foundation’s Board of Directors is made up of well-respected individuals and community leaders who govern the Foundation. The Community Foundation staff are experienced professionals dedicated to the organization’s mission and values.
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Our Staff

Ernest Sumner
704-864-0927, ext. 106

Nina Greene
Grants and Scholarships Officer & First Gaston Foundation Fund Officer
704-864-0927, ext. 103

Angela Micalizzi
Financial Officer
704-864-0927, ext 105

Elizabeth Patton
Donor Development Officer
704-864-0927, ext. 104

Lauren Vanacore
Community Engagement Officer
704-864-0927, ext. 102

Sydney Wyrick
Communications/Office Administrator
704-864-0927, ext. 101
Legal Counsel

John D. Kersh
Legal Counsel
Our Board

Nazrul Chowdhury

Jennifer Davis

Dr. Mark Epstein

Mike Fayed

John Griffith

Dr. Kelvin Harris

Davidson Hobson

John Lowery

Gene Matthews

John McGill

Jane Pearson

Chris Peek

Tony Powell
Vice Chair

David Rogers
Past Chair

Bob Spencer

Amy Spencer

Dr. Doug Stover

Jennie Stultz

Pam Warlick

Steven Wilson

Dave Wofford