Special Grants & Funds
Featured grants, funds, and programs
Here at the Gaston Community Foundation, we are proud to feature a variety of special grants, funds, and programs that help to create lasting impact for our local communities.

Browse Scholarships
Explore more than 2 dozen scholarships that help pave the way for a future generation of community leaders
More than 32 scholarships are offered through the Community Foundation to a variety of students. Each scholarship has a set criteria, created by the donor, that can be found on our Scholarship page. Scholarships are made possible through the generosity of Foundation donors.

Community Grants Cycle
Grants for Gaston County nonprofits from unrestricted and field-of-interest funds, as allocated by the Board of Directors.

Grantee Press Kit
Congratulations on your grant approval! To help you communicate the impact of your work, we have created a Grantee Press Kit.